home automation
home wiring
home wiring


Delivering to you the most advanced electronic and automation services in the industry.

At Aaron Vurgason Electric & Automation, we will enhance your ability to be more productive and have more fun with the use of technology, while receiving excellent customer service.


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Our Premium Services

The Aaron Vurgason team will create a custom automation system for you while providing years of expertise and experience. Security, backup power and networking strategies are implemented into every project no matter how big or small. Our team of professionals excel in custom and demanding job projects located in the Central Florida area.

Automation Services

Advanced technology connected into fun and convenience.
home automation


Your home safer and more secure than ever before.
home security

Emergency Power

Backup power for protection in an increasingly uncertain world.
home emergency power

Audio Visual

A seamless, fully integrated smart home audio visual system.
home audio visual

Contact Aaron Vurgason

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We are as excited about your future electrical and automation project as you are. Send us a message and lets discuss how we can get your project started.


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